Teachers, teaching assistants and other members of school staff often see children every day. In some instances children may spend more time with their teaching staff then they do with their parents or carers due to long working hours. Children not only learn Maths and English from their teaching staff but they also learn from the relational experience of being with their teacher. Teachers model to children how to regulate their feelings, how to develop resilience and how to nurture positive relationships with their peers. For this reason, it is no surprise that teachers can become attachment figures and play a significant role in a child's life.
A child's misbehaviour is often a communication of unbearable feelings they are struggling with and may not have the words for yet. Helping children to find healthy ways to express their feelings allows them to stay calm and regulated in the face of everyday challenges and even aids their academic and social competence. For this reason, it is essential that teaching staff receive guidance and are providing with the latest research about how best to nurture the mental health and wellbeing of the children in their care.
I provide consultations and training for teachers and other professionals working with children. Through sharing my knowledge of mental health and emotional wellbeing, I hope to encourage the creation of “mentally healthy” schools for both adults and children.